[브랜드이야기] Saint James - 요즘 핫한 스트라이프의 원조 !

Magento Commerce


요즘 핫한 아이템중 하나가 스트라이프 티셔츠!
스트라이프 마린룩의 원조인 세인트 제임스를 알아보자.
  간단한 설명을 하자면, 세인트 제임스는 1889년에 설립된 프랑스 니트 웨어 회사 세인트제임스에서 출시한 브랜드. 울, 면 100% 천연소재 및 기능성 소재를 사용한 스트라이프 셔츠, 팬츠, 블라우스, 재킷, 코트 등을 제안하며 여성, 남성, 유·아동, 액세서리 등의 토털 라인을 갖추고 있다. 현재는 프랑스를 비롯한 유럽, 미주, 아시아 등지에서 전개되고 있다. 「세인트제임스」는 20대 초반∼30대 초반 여성을 중심 타겟으로 하며 실용적이고 캐주얼한 감도의 상품을 선호하는 10∼40대 여성들까지 입을 수 있는 다양한 사이즈, 컬러 상품을 구비하고 있다. 특히 다양한 컬러의 스트라이프 티셔츠가 주력 아이템. 매 시즌 꾸준히 판매되는 인기 아이템인 긴소매 스트라이프 면 티셔츠는 한 스타일당 60가지의 컬러가 제안된다. 또 옷을 오래 입어도 변형되지 않는 우수한 품질도 「세인트제임스」의 특징이다.
 「세인트제임스」는 일본 시장에서 10년을 사용해도 변하지 않는 상품 중 하나로 꼽힐 만큼의 상품력을 자랑한다. OEM 생산하지 않고 프랑스 본 공장에서 100% 직접 생산, 품질을 관리하는 것이 그 이유이다.
국내에서는 유로인포에서 2007년부터 전개함.

 The SAINT-JAMES Company has been established in Lower Normandy, in the commune of Saint-James, close to Mont Saint-Michel, since 1889. Its fame is based upon a cult item of clothing "the genuine pure new knitted woolen Breton seaman's sweater". Originally intended for deep sea fishermen, then adopted by known seafarers, and amateur yachtsmen. Its pure wool, pure cotton, "seashore" lines attract a large clientele on the coast, but also in the major cities of France, and equally throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, and Japan. SAINT JAMES Boutiques are to be found in
Paris, Nice, Le Mont Saint-Michel, Saint-Malo,
Calais, Knokke-le-Zoute (Belgium),
New-York, Tokyo, Osaka...


In the 19th century, the Breton Fisherman Sweater was designed to protect fishermen from the elements during long days and nights at sea. It became the trademark apparel of the garlic merchants, or marchands d'ail, of Brittany. As they braved the English Channel to sell their goods to the United Kingdom, the marchands d'ail were never without their iconic sweaters, which soon earned the nickname of chandail, a shortened version of the merchants' name. At the helm of the sweater's creation were the wives of the merchants and fishermen of Brittany. Applying a secret-stitch technique preserved by generations of mothers and daughters, their pullovers surpassed all others, granting warmth and resistance to water and wind.
It was in Saint-James, a town in Normandy established by William the Conqueror in the 11th century and renowned for its extensive weaving and draping traditions, where the women acquired their yarns. In Saint-James, circa 1850, the Legallais family's spinning plant, Les Filatures de Saint-James, began producing the yarn for the fisherman sweater, fostering its popularity and transforming this regional expertise into a successful industry. To this day, the Saint James atelier and factory is still located in the small village of Saint James, (population: 3000) about 20 kilometers from Mont-Saint-Michel.
Saint-James has remained true to its hallmark for over 150 years, producing the highest quality nautical-inspired silhouettes. To this date, Saint James still purveys the French Navy and the French Army (La Marine française et l'Armée de Terre) with their official uniform sweaters
Saint James is the maker of the authentic nautical Breton shirt in combed cotton jersey that has been part of the official French naval uniform since 1871. According to an old lore from Brittany, the 21 stripes each correspond to a naval victory of Napoleon's French fleet against the British.
Saint James is also renowned for the side-buttoned Breton Fisherman Sweater that has been traditionally worn by Breton fishermen since the 19th century. Close-knit quality and double-twist wool meant to protect against sudden gusts of wind and be sturdy enough to withstand strenuous work at sea. It is considered the seafarer's second skin. In France, Saint James is to stripes and all things nautical the absolute reference.



The origins of the fisherman’s sweater are to be found in 18th century Brittany. Onion merchants, leaving from Brittany to sell their goods in England, wore a very distinctive item of clothing that made them recognizable from a distance.
The French expression "marchand d’ail" (garlic merchant), was soon anglicized as "chandail" and ended up referring to this unique item of clothing that was the fisherman sweater.
Knitwear, which until then had been made from wool cloth, was made using a secret, extremely tight stitch which granted the chandail, made of unwashed sheep wool, a considerable resistance to both wind and cold (as well as some waterproofing), keeping sailors warm and dry on the seas.
The real Fisherman’s sweater was a long garment, very close fitting and worn inside the pants in order to protect a sailor’s back even when bending and working on the boat. Highly practical the chandail is also very easy to put on as a result of one shoulder being closed with buttons.
Within a few decades several color variants appeared: red, white, striped, but it should be remembered that, in the Navy, the single colored sweater was reserved for officers, and the striped variety for sailors. To this day, in the French Navy, young recruits wear a striped tee-shirt during their three month onboard training period.
Originally reserved for professional purposes, the Fisherman’s sweater has now become, like denim, a 20th century fashionable clothing item.
Rooted in our common heritage, this mythical sweater is worn by both fishermen and enthusiast sailors, at sea, and in town. The chandail is now a quintessential item for the wardrobe or adventurers, artists and fashion conscious consumers alike.
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한국에서는 도산공원점, 명동, 홍대에 있고, 10코르소코모에도 일부 입점 중이다.