[신진 브랜드] piece d'anarchive

Piece d'Anarchive


piece d'anarchive
파리 베이스 새롭게 떠오르는 브랜드.

한국에는 분더샵, 무리, 텐코르소코모에 입점중이다.
런던은 브라운스 , 파리에는 꼴레뜨와 봉마르쉐 백화점 등 입점되어있다.
데뷔한지 얼마 되지도 않아 세계적인 여러 편집샵들에 빠르게 진입한걸 보면 엄청난듯
세명의 디자이너가 함께 만들어가는 이 브랜드는 영상과 음악, 사진등 여러 아티스트들과 함께 다각적인 작업을 해가며 좀더 완성도가 있는 아트적인 브랜드를 구축해가고 있다.

피스, 알카이브, 아날키 세가지 키워드로 브랜드의 아이덴티티를 구성하고 있음
파올로 로베르시와 작업한 화보들

[보그지 소개내용]


Photographed by Molly SJ Lowe

Overlooking the Place des Vosges, the oldest square in Paris, the view from the studio of new knitwear label Piece d’Anarchive is perhaps as historic as the city gets. Virginie Muys and sisters Déborah and Priscilla Royer happen to be the kind of cool young things who appreciate a time-honored sensibility, and managed to persuade one of the only remaining luxury knitwear factories in France to produce their line last year. “We like the idea of bringing different worlds together,” said the designers, explaining that their pieces are one part traditional craftsmanship, one part rule-breaking anarchy. The latest collection, for example, takes the warrior-ready silhouettes of Mad Max and sprigs them with delicate flowers; hence the floral jacquard and shimmering Lurex knits with studded collars and removable leather insets. With a combined background in fashion design (Priscilla worked for Vivienne Westwood’s Red Label) and event production (Virginie has produced events for Diesel, Maison Martin Margiela, and Viktor & Rolf), they’ve long had their finger on the pulse of the city’s most stylish milieu—indeed Virginie has even been known to DJ across the pond, at New York–by-way-of–Paris hotspot Le Baron.    -VOGUE
2013 ss
2012  fw