유명 미술작품 콜렉터이자 후원자인 폴기욤!
Being from modest origins, Paul Guillaume worked in a garage. He found African sculptures which he displayed. This aroused the attention of Guillaume Apollinaire, who in turn introduced him to many of the artists of the beginning of the century in France. He soon organized important exhibitions, such as the Première Exposition d’Art Nègre et d’Art Océanien, on 13–19 May 1919, with a catalogue by Henri Clouzot and additional text by Apollinaire. Apollinaire, who died the previous year, had also collaborated with Paul Guillaume on the pioneering studySculptures Nègres in 1917. This exhibition – drawn from Guillaume’s private collection – placed African art at the heart of Modernism.
After his death, his wife Domenica remarried with the architect Jean Walter and continued his collection, selling his most "extreme" paintings and acquiring impressionist paintings. After her own death, this collection of 20th-century paintings became part of the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris.
Domenica was once accused of the murder of Paul Guillaume, who died early and suspiciously. Some speculate that she was cleared of all charges in exchange for giving the collection to the French state after her death.
아메데오 모딜리아니
Amedeo Modigliani (1884년 7월 12일 (이탈리아) - 1920년 1월 24일)
오르세의 폴기욤 컬렉션 중의 하나인 모딜리아니의 작품은 무언가 길쭉길쭉하면서도 몽환적인 느낌의 얼굴 표정,
색감. 캐리커처와 같이 사람 얼굴의 특징을 과감하게 표현해서 인상적이었다.
모딜리아니가 그린 폴기욤의 초상화
마리 로랑생
Marie Laurencin (1883년 10월 31일 (프랑스) - 1956년 6월 8일)
개인적으로 이런 스타일은 싫지만 좋은 색감!
앙리 루소
Henri Rousseau(1844년 5월 21일 (프랑스) - 1910년 9월 2일)
독특하고 개성있는 일러스트 느낌의 앙리루소 작품들. 좋다!