Fornasetti Profumi
텐코르소코모, 파리의 레끌레흐에서 눈길을끄는 도자기 소품을본적있는지?
눈, 코, 입, 얼굴을 모티프로 재미있으면서도 마냥 유치하게만 보이지는 않는
그릇들과 소품들
홈페이지 글 참조
Fornasetti was an accomplished painter, sculptor, interior decorator and printer of books. He was a visionary whose work transformed the decorative arts scene of the 20th century. Revered for his masterful application of two-dimensional art to three-dimensional form, he adapted his graphic illustrations to furniture, interiors, threatre sets, fashion, magazine covers and books, always deploying humour and poetry in the way he wrapped his artwork about the objects and spaces. When Piero Fornasetti passed away in 1988 his works numbered over 11,000. His son, Barnaba, took up the reins, ordered the archives and has successfully perpetuated his father's vision into the 21st century. He has established new collaborations and licenses. With the latest of these collaborations Barnaba Fornasetti has turned his attention towards the notion of home fragrance in combination with decorative objects. The core collection of Fornasetti Profumi per La Casa, celebrates the Fornasetti ceramic heritage in combination with both well known and less familiar decorative images. Together they make up a deisrable group of iconic objects and decorative pieces that are at once collectable and covetous. The collection encompasses various home scenting devices from the ubiquitous scented candle and boxed incense sticks through to room sprays and ceramic globe diffusers for incense, perfumed oil or scented rocks. Each object has a clearly defined purpose and can be re-used, given an alternative use, or added to a Fornasetti Collection.
이런 베이스 같은건 250만원선
요것은 테이블 올랄라!
그리고 유명한 home fragrance제품들
이건 파리 유명 편집샵인 l'eclaireur.
매장 전면 벽에 여러가지 fornasetti profumi 제품들이 !
l'eclaireur :8 Rue Boissy d'Anglas Paris
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